Thursday 3 January 2013

Which is true Worship?

Life time is worship time and life style is worship style. 
Rom. 12: 1-2.

Life which pleases unto God is the true Worship unto God. 
God is not interested in our Music; but in our life style.
According to Rom. 12:1-2
Who is the Worship Leader?
 Is there any calling or ministry to be a worship leader? if so, then the other believers are timid or not good in worship. is not it?

Great Commission is the Greatest Commission

The Missional Supremacy of the Great Commission
(Matthew 28:18-20)

“Any church that is not seriously involved in helping fulfill the Great Commission has forfeited its Biblical right to exist.”                                           (Oswald J. Smith)

Jesus has promised us that He would be with us even to the end of this world. With whom He would be? Only with those who understand the supremacy of His Commission and surrender themselves for disciple making and disciple sending. If we accomplish His Commission, He will accompany us with His provision. Where there is vision to fulfill the Great Commission; there will be God’s wonderful provision.

1. Submitting to the Lordship of Jesus Christ:
     Every Christian ought to follow Jesus, worship Jesus and work for Jesus. If we are simply singing and praising Jesus as our Lord and Master but not submitting to his great call and commission we are not really loving him and worshiping him. The true worship is in the submission to do the will of the Lord in our life that every Christian has to go out and make disciples for Jesus. It is the universal responsibility of each believers/disciples of Jesus.

2. Sending the Missionaries to Make Disciples for Jesus Christ:
    Every Christian ought to reach the unreached. Christ’s command is to go into all the nations. Each and every true follower of Jesus has to fulfill this vital and indispensable command and demand of Jesus our Master. How can everyone go into all nation? By sending missionaries to all nation. It can be possible with any Christian or Church. So it the urgent need of this dying world today. It is the duty of believers/disciples to send missionaries.

3. Supporting the Missions to Fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ:
    Every Christian ought to support the Missionaries and the Missions. We are celebrating Christmas and New Years with Christians and within Christianity. There are millions of people still do not know about Jesus in the world. We know that there are many Christians talk and preach about Jesus’s Second coming whereas there are many do not know even Jesus’s first coming. There are many missionaries to go and dye for Jesus in the unreached mission fields. But we need supporters who would pray for their deeds and support for their needs.   

Therefore Let us Submit, Send and Support so that we may enjoy the presence, protection and the provisions of Jesus Christ Our Lord.

Contact Your Brother: V. Shanmugam - 09790948410, 09865655280.

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Wednesday 2 January 2013

2 Important Questions

2 Important Questions that Every Pastor Must Answer

1. What are the ministries we don't do as the early church did as it is mentioned in the books of Acts?

2. What are the ministries we do which is not mentioned in the book of Acts and which was not followed by the early church?

Do you have answer for these questions? If you are really biblical and serious about your church growth, you have to find out the answers and follow the early church model.

If you have found the answers, let us know; if you can't contact us we will help you. 

Thursday 27 December 2012!/samshanmugam

You are all welcome to share your Spiritual Insights.!/samshanmugam

There is no yearly or monthly promises in the Bible

There is no yearly or monthly promises in the Bible

There are 3 types of promises in the Bible. Personal Promise, Promise for a Particular People or Nation and Common Promises for all. These common promises are all for all for all time with conditions. Fulfill the conditions and inherit the blessings of the promises. Monthly 1, Yearly 1 and Weekly 1 is KILI JOSIYAM.

BIBLE - la Ozhunga Padingayya!!!

The Way of Truth Teaching Ministry is Disciple Making Ministry

The Way of Truth Teaching Ministry is Disciple Making Ministry

A short description about our ministry:
·        We do disciple making ministry training. We train and guide people to launch Disciple Making Movements.
·        At present I am training disciples in Tamil Nadu, Bihar and SriLanka.
·        We make disciples who make disciples who make disciples. Minimum we work up to the 4th Generation (2Tim. 2:2).

Our vision:
I am called by God to establish His Kingdom by Training every believer to become disciples of Jesus and beget disciples for Jesus and Training every pastors and Christian leaders to train others in discipleship and to launch Disciple Making Movements.

Our specific plans to accomplish the vision:
Ø I am working with many Organizations such as Keystone Project India, Bible Training League, Bible Trainers and Agape Christian Mission, with many Churches and God’s Leaders.
Ø In 2013…… We have planned to train 100 people who would launch Disciple Making Movements. We have planned to do 5 Trainings in 5 places with 5 Modules.
Ø In each module they would be given special assignments and teaching and training materials which we are preparing in different languages.
Ø We planned to reach 4 states in India and SriLanka. In each place we would train a minimum 20 people.
Ø Altogether we train 100 people and they go and make at least a 10 disciples and work through generations. So that it may multiply into 1000 and 10000 etc.
Ø We have some other specific plans too. We want to reach the whole Asia.
Ø Our Moto is training the untrained so that they may reach the unreached.

Our financial position:
Our friends and trainees are helping us in fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. You are most welcome to join us in this vital mission.

Contact us:
V. Shanmugam – 09790948410, 09865655280.